JJ-CCR rebreather

JJ-CCR – The 4X4 Rebreather
Bali Dive Trek is now the official distributor in Bali for JJ-CCR.
After years of experience in the Technical Rebreather field we came across JJ-CCR units. Being a well-versed Rebreather Training facility we would like to offer the 4×4 rebreather !
Considerated as the Roll-Royce of rebreather, JJ-CCR rebreathers are the most robust and reliable on the market.
Join us for a JJ-CCR Experience ! We have rental units for you to try it out at our dive centre. Our resident Technical and CCR expert Antoine is a reference JJ-CCR instructor in Bali.
Very easy to assemble, the JJ-CCR is bullet proof. Made for divers who want to go deep the JJ-CCR is the perfect equipment for technical divers.
JJ-CCR rebreathers are the most reliable on the market because they use the Shearwater electronic.
JJ-CCR units can be used in every type of dives : such as wreck, cave or ocean.
Respiratory hoses light and comfortable, easy to ajust.
DSV light in mouth, easy to open and close.
Connexions developed for a safe assembly with reverse treads on the breathing loop.
Canister JJ-CCR offers different sizes and types of scrubber: axial 2.5 kg , Radial 3 kg or XR canister with 4 kg of sofnolime.
Tanks JJ-CCR can accept tanks form 3 to 12 litres.